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Interactive Whiteboard Frequently Asked Questions
  • USB Cable

  • HDMI or VGA Cable

  • Interactive pens

What do I need to use my Interactive Board?

What do I need to use my Interactive Board?

What should I do if the cursor position is offset from where I clicked the pen?

  1. While the projector is on, use the white projector remote and press the menu button

  2. Using the arrow keys, hover and select the "Extended" menu option

  3. Select "Easy Interactive Function"

  4. Select "Manual Calibration"

  5. A window will pop up confirming your choice to calibrate the pen. Choose "Yes"

  6. The projector will display a white display with a green circle (as shown to the right) in the upper left corner. Tap the circle with your pen. Repeat this step until you click the circle in the bottom right corner. (the dot follows a grid pattern as shown to the right)

  7. Once you click the last dot, your projector will automatically exit calibration mode

  8. Calibration is now complete!

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